General Rules
1. The Club shall be called ‘Lewes Camera Club’.
2. The Club Committee shall consist of five officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Programme Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be up to five other committee members.
3. There shall be two categories of membership: Honorary Life and Ordinary. All members must be over eighteen.
4. The Club Financial Year shall run from 1st April to 31st March.
5. The Club Season is defined as the period in which there are weekly meetings.
6. Annual subscriptions for membership shall be paid at the start of the Club Season and will cover the period from 1st September to 31st August, defined as the Club Year.
7 a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting.
7 b) The Agenda shall be sent out prior to the AGM, together with copies of the draft accounts, chairman's report, resolutions requiring members’ approval and a nomination form for Committee members. The latter will provide guidance on the process for proposing and seconding candidates.
7 c) The Committee may fill any casual vacancy that occurs.
7 d) Club Committee members must be elected or re-elected at the AGM.
7 e) Draft Accounts for the current Club Financial Year shall be presented at the AGM. An examiner shall be appointed to examine the Accounts and confirmation of their accuracy shall be made at the first meeting of the following Club Season.
7 f) Subscriptions shall be fixed at the AGM.
8. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of at least a third of the membership. Two weeks’ notice must be given and the exact purpose must be stated.
9. The Committee shall meet at regular intervals, as it sees fit, to conduct the management of the Club. Four members of the Committee, to include two officers, shall constitute a quorum. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings. Copies of minutes will be available to all members. Matters of a highly confidential or personal nature may be omitted if considered necessary.
10. The Club Committee may set up sub-committees to carry out specific tasks and report back to the Club Committee. Any sub-committee shall be composed of members approved by the Club Committee.
11. The Club shall be insured against public liability.
12. The Club Committee has the power to decide any matter on which the rules are silent.
2. The Club Committee shall consist of five officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Programme Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be up to five other committee members.
3. There shall be two categories of membership: Honorary Life and Ordinary. All members must be over eighteen.
4. The Club Financial Year shall run from 1st April to 31st March.
5. The Club Season is defined as the period in which there are weekly meetings.
6. Annual subscriptions for membership shall be paid at the start of the Club Season and will cover the period from 1st September to 31st August, defined as the Club Year.
7 a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting.
7 b) The Agenda shall be sent out prior to the AGM, together with copies of the draft accounts, chairman's report, resolutions requiring members’ approval and a nomination form for Committee members. The latter will provide guidance on the process for proposing and seconding candidates.
7 c) The Committee may fill any casual vacancy that occurs.
7 d) Club Committee members must be elected or re-elected at the AGM.
7 e) Draft Accounts for the current Club Financial Year shall be presented at the AGM. An examiner shall be appointed to examine the Accounts and confirmation of their accuracy shall be made at the first meeting of the following Club Season.
7 f) Subscriptions shall be fixed at the AGM.
8. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of at least a third of the membership. Two weeks’ notice must be given and the exact purpose must be stated.
9. The Committee shall meet at regular intervals, as it sees fit, to conduct the management of the Club. Four members of the Committee, to include two officers, shall constitute a quorum. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings. Copies of minutes will be available to all members. Matters of a highly confidential or personal nature may be omitted if considered necessary.
10. The Club Committee may set up sub-committees to carry out specific tasks and report back to the Club Committee. Any sub-committee shall be composed of members approved by the Club Committee.
11. The Club shall be insured against public liability.
12. The Club Committee has the power to decide any matter on which the rules are silent.